Cancellation and Refund Policy

Understand your rights and responsibilities as a learner or client of Aveling.


The purpose of this policy is to provide information on when Aveling will offer a refund for course cancellations or variations.


This policy covers all face to face and online courses (both nationally recognised and non-nationally recognised) offered by Aveling.


  • Employees – Employees are responsible for ensuring that this policy is followed.
  • Learners – Learners are responsible for advising Aveling if they need to transfer or cancel a course.


  • Assurance Audit – an audit completed by learners completing nationally recognised online courses to verify identification and ensure that participant completed the course themselves. Assurance audits form part of the assessment for the course.
  • Working Days – defined as Monday to Friday (excluding weekends and public holidays).

Associated Documentation

Document ReferenceDocument Title
TMS-PRO-01Behaviour Standard for Learners & Conflict Resolution Process
QMS-POL-11Complaints and Appeals Policy


Notification of cancellations or transfers

All cancellations, transfers or variations to face-to-face course bookings must be received in writing by email to

 Minimum Notice Periods  
Course TypeFull Refund of Course Fee50% Refund of Course FeeNo Refund of Course Fee
Half or Full Day Courses2 working days’N/A< 2 working days’
Longer Courses (2 days or more)7 working days’4-6 working days’< 3 working days’
Online CoursesIf course not commencedN/AOnce course commenced
Customised CoursesCustomised course fee structure and cancellation policies (if any) are outlined in the relevant organisation proposal.


 Minimum Notice Periods  
Course TypeNo Charge50% Charge of Course FeeFull Course Fee
Half or Full Day Courses2 working days’N/A< 2 working days’
Longer Courses (2 days or more)7 working days’4-6 working days’< 3 working days’
Online CoursesN/AN/AN/A


An alternative learner may be substituted for a face to face course prior to the commencement of a course at no additional cost.


If a learner fails to attend a course, no refund will be payable. Learners need to be aware that leaving a voicemail message on an Aveling answering service, outside of business hours on the day before the course is not accepted as a notification of cancellation.

If a learner is sick on the day of their course and can support this with a medical certificate, they will be transferred to an alternate date at no charge. However, the learner must be available to complete this training within 6 months of the original course date. If the learner has failed to attend due to any other reason no refund will be payable, but a course transfer may be granted at the discretion of the Operations Manager or other Aveling management.

Exceptional Circumstances

Aveling aims to be flexible and accommodating and recognises that in some cases there are exceptional circumstances where a charge may not be incurred. This discretion applies to cancellations, transfers and non-attendance, as listed above. Exceptional circumstances could include serious illness or injury, death in the family, natural disaster or financial hardship.


Individuals applying for RPL are not eligible for a refund after they have submitted their evidence.

Not Satisfactory/Not Yet Competent

Learners who are deemed ‘Not Satisfactory’ or ‘Not Yet Competent’ after an assessment are not eligible for a refund. Depending on the course, learners may be able to re-sit the course or assessment at no charge. This will be determined at the discretion of the Operations Manager or another Aveling manager or a designated Aveling team member.

Assurance Audit Failure

No refunds will be given if a learner fails to participate in an audit to its successful completion.


Course completion and acknowledgements may be withheld by Aveling until full course payment is received.

Course Cancellation by Aveling

In the event that Aveling, or any third party delivering training and assessment on its behalf, closes, cancels, or ceases to deliver for any reason, a course or part of a course that a learner is enrolled in, a refund of fees paid for services not provided will be given to the learner by Aveling. Learners who have already been assessed as competent for some units will be issued a Statement of Attainment for these units and the costs of issuing the Statement(s), including training, assessment and administration fees, will be deducted from the refund total.

Aveling also reserves the right to cancel any course if insufficient registrations are received. Should this occur, those who registered will be notified and their course fees refunded in full or they will be transferred to another course. Aveling will not be liable for any claims arising from course cancellation.

Unacceptable Behaviour

As per the Behaviour Standard for Learners and Conflict Resolution Process, Aveling reserves the right to counsel, and in extreme circumstances refuse any person from continuing the course if they display inappropriate or disruptive behaviour or are found to have plagiarised an assessment.

Aveling personnel will, in the initial instance, advise the individual of any inappropriate behaviour which could include, but is not limited to, disruptive individuals, anyone displaying a reluctance to participate or anyone attempting to encourage other learners into obstructive behaviour. If following such counselling, the individual continues their disruptive behaviour, they will be formally warned. If after this, such behaviour continues, they shall be asked to leave the course.

If an individual is abusive, appears under the influence of banned substances or threatens other learners or Aveling personnel, they will be removed from the course and may be asked to leave the premises.

For a person booked onto a course by a company, the company will be contacted and advised if a learner is asked to leave a course and the reason for the action.

In the instance of unacceptable behaviour or plagiarism, no refunds or transfers will be given.


In the event that a learner or client is dissatisfied with the outcome of a refund request, the Aveling Complaints and Appeals Policy can be accessed at any time.

Breach of Policy

Any activity undertaken by an Aveling Employee or Contractor which represents a failure to meet these obligations may be determined as misconduct or serious misconduct, resulting in:

  • disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or contract; or
  • loss of Aveling’s RTO registration.

V5.2 October 2024

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