Special Offers

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Free Course! Mental Health Awareness

For a limited time, Aveling is proud to offer our online Mental Health Awareness course FREE of charge.

As part of our corporate responsibility we offer one of our online courses free at all times.

We hope that the information provided in this program will make a difference to those who are finding this time challenging or uncertain.

RSA & MLP Bundled Online Training

Just $184 (GST free)

Take advantage of Aveling’s Management of Licensed Premises (MLP) 1 and Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) bundle now, to meet the mandatory training requirements for unrestricted approved managers and licensees in WA.

These courses assist you in meeting the requirements under the Liquor Control Act 1988 as mandated by the WA Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. See the course webpages or the Department’s website for more information.

Note: bundled discount requires upfront payment.

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