Issuing Certification Policy

Understand your rights and responsibilities as a learner or client of Aveling.


The purpose of this policy is the ensure that Aveling issues Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Certification documentation including Qualifications, Skill Set and Statements of Attainment and Aveling Certificates of Participation, using the correct protocol.

Aveling will ensure processes are in place for the retention of records and reissuance of certification according to the requirements of the VET Quality Framework.


A person completing a training course delivered by Aveling will receive a Certificate of Participation, a Statement of Attainment, Skill Set or a Qualification, as appropriate.

This policy applies to all Aveling employees who are involved in the creation or issuance of any certification awarded by Aveling.


All Aveling employeesinvolved in the creation and issuance of certification have the responsibility to ensure Statements of Attainment, Skill Sets and Qualifications are created and issued according to Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and VET Quality Framework requirements for Registered Training Organisations.







Fore more definitions, refer to Australian Skills Quality Authority. (2023) Glossary

AQFAustralian Qualifications Framework – The framework for regulated qualifications in the Australian education and training system, as agreed by the Commonwealth, State and Territory ministerial council with responsibility for higher education.
AQF CertificationAwards issued under the Australian Qualification Framework. These include qualifications, statements of attainment and skill sets.
ASQAAustralian Skills Quality Authority. They are the current VET regulator.
Statement of AttainmentStatement issued to a person confirming that the person has satisfied the requirements of the unit/s of competency or accredited short course specified in the statement.
Skill SetA single unit of competency or a combination of units of competency from a training package which link to a licensing or regulatory requirement, or a defined industry need.


Associated Documentation

Document ReferenceDocument Title
QMS-POL-07Credit Transfer and Exemption Policy and Procedure



Related Legislation

  1. VET Quality Framework

    a. Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015
    b. Australian Qualifications Framework


  1. Issuing Certificates of Participation

    1.1 Certificates of Participation will be issued to those who have fulfilled the attendance/participation requirements for non-accredited courses. It does not reflect any achievement of competencies.
  2. Issuing Qualifications, Records of Results and Statements of Attainment 

    2.1. AQF certification will only be issued for Units of Competency and Qualifications listed on Aveling’s scope of registration on the national register.2.2. All AQF certification will adhere to the requirements of the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF).

    2.3. AQF certification will only be issued to learners who have provided Aveling with their Unique Student Identifier number (USI), unless they are subject to an exemption. This USI number will be verified by Aveling prior to certificates being issued.

    2.4. After successful completion of a training course and assessments the AQF certification will be:

    a. issued within 30 (thirty) days of all requirements being met
    b. Given directly to the learner, or
    c. Mailed directly to the learner (s), or
    d. Emailed directly to the learner (dependant on the course),
    e. A Statement of Attainment may be given to an employer or third party only if

    a) written authorisation from the learner is provided to Aveling stating the following:
    i. Learner’s name.
    ii. Third party that is to receive the learner’s Statement of Attainment.
    iii. Learner’s signature.
    iv. Date of authorisation.

    b) they have indicated that a third party can receive a copy of their Statement of Attainment while completing their online course.

  3. Issuing AQF certification when delivered in another language

    3.1. When issuing a AQF certification for courses which have been delivered in a language other than English, Aveling will include the wording “these units/modules have been delivered and assessed in <insert language>”. This will be followed by a listing of the relevant units/modules.3.2. After successful completion of a Qualification or Nationally Recognised Training candidates will receive certification as per Section 2.

  4. Issuing Statements of Attainment for partial completion of a Qualification or Accredited Course

    4.1. Statements of Attainment for partial completion of Qualifications will only be issued for Units of Competency listed on Aveling’s scope of registration on the national register.4.2. All Statements of Attainment will adhere to the requirements of the AQF.

    4.3. When issuing a Statement of Attainment for the partial completion of a Qualification, Aveling will include the wording “These competencies form part of [Code and Title of Qualification(s) / Course (s)]”.

    4.4. After successful completion of the units of competency in a course, learners will receive a Statement of Attainment for those units of competency as per Section 2.

  5. Issuing Record of Results

    5.1. A Record of Results will be issued with a certificate of Qualification when a learner has successfully completed all units of competency in a Qualification listed on Aveling’s scope of registration on the national register.

    5.2. All Records of Results will adhere to the requirements of the AQF.

  6. Changes to Certification Requirements

    6.1. Notification of changes to certification requirements is received from ASQA or the AQF. The changes will be made to the TMS and LMS system and pre-printed stock will be reviewed and replaced if necessary. Changes will then be communicated to all appropriate staff.

  7. Retainment of Records and Reissuance of Certification

    7.1. Aveling will retain records of Qualifications and Statements of Attainment that have been issued to learners for a thirty (30) year period as per Schedule 5 of the Standards for RTOs 2015.

    7.2. Aveling will retain sufficient data required to provide learners with a copy of their AQF certification for a thirty (30) year period.

    7.3. Aveling will ensure both current and past learners will have access to their records of achievement.

    7.4. Learners must be able to prove their identity before a copy of their certification will be provided to them.

    7.5. Aveling will re-issue certification in the instance that a learner has had their name legally changed through the relevant authority. Learners must be able to provide suitable documentation to this effect and have updated the name change in their USI record.

    7.6. Where a learner has been issued certification in their ‘preferred name’ rather than their ‘legal name’ (prior to the introduction of the USI) Aveling will re-issue certification in the learner’s legal name only where proof of ID is provided and details correspond to those in Aveling’s records.

  8. Recognition of Statement of Attainment issued by other RTOs (Credit Transfer)

    8.1. Under the AQF, Aveling recognises and accepts AQF Qualifications or Statements of Attainment issued by any other RTO.

    8.2. All Credit Transfers are required to be verified either by:

    a. Contacting the issuing RTO asking them to confirm the certification, or if they have ceased operation, with the relevant governing body (ASQA or TAC), or
    b. Checking the candidates USI Transcript on

    8.3. Credit will only be provided for Units of Competency which form part of a qualification or skill set on Aveling’s scope of registration. The candidate must be completing training and assessment with Aveling for at least one of Unit of Competency within that qualification or skill set. The Credit Transfer will be processed upon completion of the training and assessment for the other units within the qualification or skill set as per the Credit Transfer Procedure.

  9. Re-issuing Statements of Attainment Pre-ASQA

    9.1. Statements of Attainment being reissued for courses held prior to ASQA becoming the national regulator for Aveling (01 July 2011), will be issued in the same format as the original SOA, or in a format which includes the TAC logo.

    9.2. Candidates must be able to prove their identity before being re-issued their Certification.

  10. Revocation of Certificates

    10.1. Statements of Attainment, Qualifications and Records of Results may be revoked in the following circumstances:

    a. In cases where alleged fraud or dishonesty has been substantiated. This includes copying or plagiarism.
    b. When a Qualification, Record of Results or Statement of Attainment was issued erroneously or contained incorrect details.
    c. When the evidence submitted was erroneously deemed as competent.
    d. If a student makes an application for a replacement certificate due to damage or legal name change, a new certificate will be issued as a replacement.

    10.2. In any of the circumstances above, Aveling will require the original Statement of Attainment, Qualification or Record of Results to be returned prior to any replacement documentation being issued.

V5.2 September 2023

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