Funding and subsidy opportunities

We have collated some funding opportunities that may help provide financial relief to individuals and employers looking to undertake training.

The below are funding opportunities we have collated that may help provide financial relief to individuals and employers looking to undertake training. Please note that these forms of funding are not managed, supported or endorsed by Aveling. For more information including eligibility, please follow the links provided.

CTF logo

Construction Training Fund

The Construction Training Fund (CTF) is a statutory authority established to ensure Western Australia’s building and construction industry can meet demand for skilled workers. The CTF collects a 0.2 per cent levy on all WA construction projects worth more than $20,000, which is then redistributed to the industry via training subsidies, programs and grants which helps to offset the cost of retraining and upskilling. If you successfully complete an approved short course offered by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and listed under Construction Training Fund’s Supplementary Skills Program, you may be eligible for a rebate of up to 80 per cent of the cost. Aveling courses included in this list are:
  • BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
  • BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
Final determination of course approval for training subsidies rests with CTF. Please see the CTF website for all details, including eligibility and to lodge a claim.

Defence Industry Veterans Employment Scheme (DIVES) Scholarship Program

The recently launched Defence Industry Veterans Employment Scheme (DIVES) Scholarship Program is funded by the WA State Government and supported by industry.

This scholarship program helps veterans cover eligible costs relating to vocational education and training (VET) and university studies relevant to defence industry careers, including tuition and other compulsory fees; textbooks; and equipment. At least 80 scholarships of up to $5,000 are available to eligible veterans.

Eligible veterans will also be able to access career planning support through the DIVES program, to identify training or further study leading to defence career pathways.

There is no set list of eligible courses, however, any training must be in an area that would provide a pathway into possible employment in the Defence Industry.

For more information on this program, please see the Jobs and Skills website.

skills checkpoint for older workers logo

Skills Checkpoint and Training Incentive

The Skills Checkpoint Program is directly linked to the Skills and Training Incentive, which assists mature age Australians to update their skills and stay in the workforce, and is available for up to 7,500 participants per year to 30 June 2024. The Skills Checkpoint Program provides eligible participants with a government contribution towards suitable training (accredited or non-accredited) of up to 75% of course costs to a max total of $2,200 (GST inclusive). The participant or their employer must also make a co-contribution. The Skills Checkpoint Program is open to people:
  • aged 40 years and over (previously 45–70)
  • who are an Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • employed and at risk of becoming unemployed and entering the income support system, or
  • recently unemployed (within 12 months, previously nine months) and
  • not registered for assistance through an Australian Government employment services program.

The training must be related to occupations in national shortage on the National Skills Commission’s Skills Priority List, which currently includes VET Educators.

To be eligible for the funding, individuals must have completed a Skills Checkpoint assessment that identified training linked to their current industry (e.g. upgrading skills), a future job opportunity, or an industry or occupation in demand.

You can find out more information about the Skills Checkpoint for Older Workers Program, including full eligibility and how to apply, on the Department of Education, Skills and Employment’s website, or by contacting your local Program Provider – in Western Australia, this is:

The BUSY Group Ltd
13 28 79

Please note that you may be able to obtain funding in relation to training that Aveling provides. However, we do not facilitate the program, nor can we advise you about your eligibility.

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