WHS Fundamentals

Understand the principles of the WHS Act 2020 and how to apply it in your workplace.

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$295 (GST incl.)




1 day

A sound understanding of work health and safety (WHS) is important in every business. With Western Australia’s Work Health and Safety Act 2020 recently coming into effect, now is the perfect time to build or refresh your knowledge to ensure you understand your obligations and how to mitigate risks.

This interactive classroom course is designed to provide you with a foundation of knowledge in WHS. We take the complexity of the WHS Act and make it relevant to the everyday processes of your organisation.

You will gain an understanding of how the legal requirements are applied through the risk management process, the principles of effective communication and consultation, and the importance of incident reporting, with an introduction to the investigation process.

Introduction to WHS Management will provide you with the fundamental knowledge to enable you to reflect on where improvements can be made in your workplace, either individually or as an organisation, in the management of work health and safety.

This course can also be customised for inhouse delivery to meet your organisational needs. Contact us to discuss your needs.

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