Today marks the end of Safe Work Month, and time to put into practice all the things you’ve learned to ensure we all embrace the theme: ‘For everyone’s safety, work safely.
At Aveling, we’ve had a busy month highlighting the importance of working safely within our own organisation. Each week, we had a themed challenge for staff to take part in, and we concluded the month with a celebratory morning tea to congratulate everyone on taking part.
Congratulations to our winners and to all those who participated:
- Respect at Work: awarded to the first person to complete our respect at work online learning: congratulations to Sheina!
- Social Bingo: Beate and Megha, tied for first place by initiating cross-team conversations with coworkers to find out who provided fun facts about themselves.
- Hazard Spotting Challenge: it was a very close competition, but Jon identified all workplace hazards first in a ‘spot the difference’ image challenge.
- Master Movement: we joined in together on a physical health challenge over the final two weeks and collaboratively walked an impressive 1.5 million steps! The win went to Sheina, who recorded an outstanding 478000 steps, and runners up were Sarah and Shelley (prize collected by Kathy).
These challenges and awards are a great way to not only have fun and bring staff together, but to highlight the importance of mental health, workplace risks and hazard awareness, physical health and exercise, and ensuring work health and safety is a priority for everyone’s safety.