
Mandatory IMDG E-Learning Course – AMSA Approved

Thank you for purchasing the Maritime Dangerous Goods Course through AVELING. The course is hosted by our training partner, IMDG-Learning. This means that you’ll have to login to IMDG-Learning’s learning system to access the course.

Before you can do this, AVELING will have to process your details and create an account on IMDG-Learning. Once we’ve done this, we’ll send you an email with your IMDG-Learning login details.

The username will be the same as your AVELING login, but a different password will be randomly generated for IMDG-Learning. You can change this password after logging in.

Note: AVELING can only process details between 9am – 5pm WST weekdays. Processing can take up to 24 hours.
If you have any difficulties sitting the course or logging in to IMDG-Learning, do not hesitate to contact AVELING for technical support.

Phone: 1300 665 015


General Info

Inside the VET Sector: RTOs, ASQA and other FAQ

What is an RTO? Who is ASQA? What do all of these acronyms mean?

We’ve put together a list of the most common questions we receive about Registered Training Organisations and the VET sector.



[expand title=”What is an RTO?“]Registered training organisations, also known as RTOs, are training providers registered by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) to deliver vocational education and training (VET) services. RTOs are recognised as providers of quality-assured and nationally recognised training and qualifications.[/expand]


[expand title=”Can any training provider deliver nationally recognised training?“]

No. Only Registered Training Organisations can:

  • deliver nationally recognised courses and accredited Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) VET qualifications,
  • apply for Australian, state and territory funding to deliver vocational education and training.



[expand title=”What type of qualifications can RTOs offer?“]

RTOs can offer qualifications at the following levels:

  • Certificates I, II, III and IV
  • Diploma
  • Advanced Diploma
  • Vocational Graduate Certificate
  • Vocational Graduate Diploma.



[expand title=”How do I know if a training provider is an RTO?“]All RTOs must advertise their RTO number with all nationally recognised courses. For a full list of RTOs or to check a number, take a look at  – this is the authoritative national register of the VET sector in Australia.[/expand]


[expand title=”Who is ASQA?“]The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) is the national regulator for the vocational education and training (VET) sector. The role of ASQA is to ensure quality standards are met and is also responsible for accrediting courses that may be offered or provided by registered training organisations.[/expand]


[expand title=”Are all RTOs regulated by ASQA?“]

ASQA is the regulatory body for RTOs in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania.
ASQA also regulates providers in Victoria and/or Western Australia that:

  • offer courses in any of the following states (including by offering courses online): the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania, or
  • offer courses to overseas students studying in Australia on student visas.

AVELING is registered ASQA rather than Western Australia’s regulator, the Training Accreditation Council (TAC), because we deliver nationally recognised courses online.



More information:

  • To see the list of courses that AVELING provides, take a look at our website:
  • If you’d like more information about ASQA:
  • For a full list of RTOs, take a look at  – this is the authoritative national register of the VET sector in Australia.





General Info

Traineeship Information

The Traineeship Program

This program allows employers to claim payroll tax exemption for their employees once they have commenced an eligible qualification. Under this program the cost of the courses are often absorbed by the savings in payroll tax.

For example:

  • An employee earns $50,000.00
  • The payroll tax applicable is $2,750.00
  • The qualification costs $1,650.00
  • The saving is $1,100.00 (and they get a qualification!)

Claiming the exemption and enrolling employees involves a very simple 5 step process:

1. Call AVELING to discuss employee training needs – We will advise which employees are eligible and which qualifications/incentives are applicable.

2. Complete the application form – AVELING and the selected Apprenticeship Centre will assist with this.

3. The application is processed – The application is submitted to the State Training Authority for approval.

4. A Training plan is established and the employee begins their training – AVELING provides complimentary support services during the entire training process.

5. The Payroll tax exemption is claimed – Employers make their normal payroll tax lodgement (section s40(2)(m)).

The eligible training courses we provide for this program are:

  • BSB42015 Cert IV in Leadership and Management
  • BSB41415 Cert IV in Work Health and Safety


The Construction Training Fund Program

This program provides rebates for training on approved short training courses at the rate of $29 per training hour or 70% of the course cost, whichever is lower (maximum of $1,100.00). A claim form is submitted to the CTF for approval once the training is completed.

The eligible training courses we provide for this program are:

  • OHS for Team Leaders
  • Safety and Health Representatives
  • Job Safety Analysis
  • Fire Training
  • Safety Leadership for Supervisors
  • Area Warden

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