As we all continue to grapple with the pandemic that has affected our lives in many different ways, we look to the future and think of how we must prepare for our changing world.
In Australia, we are fortunate to have avoided the worst of the virus so far, but we have still been severely impacted economically. Many people are suffering from job and financial insecurity, and their mental health is suffering.
Organisations are experiencing the financial challenges from a reduced customer base and revenue flow, but also unexpected changes such as imbalances in resources across the company, and the challenge of future planning during an uncertain economy with an unknown timeframe for recovery.
So how can we take positive steps to prepare for the future, and build a sense of security in some of the most uncertain times in living memory?
Well, as BB King once said (and many others have since repeated), ‘The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.’
One way to boost resilience and prepare for stronger future success, is to invest in people. Building skills and knowledge will not only improve mental wellbeing, but it sets up individuals, companies and economies for future success.
Some experts have even suggested that the crisis presents a unique economic opportunity to re-train and up-skill Australia’s labour force; indeed, investment in education and skills historically tends to increase during recessions.
Even before COVID, a recent McKinsey Global Survey revealed that 87 percent of executives said they were experiencing skills gaps in their workforce, or expected them within a few years. Gartner recently highlighted how organisations can upskill and reskill their employees to fill these gaps and implored leaders to give their employees explicit permission to learn, and cultivate learning communities.
But how can you take a proactive approach to your own professional development during this time?
Granted, during employment stress, shelling out thousands for education seems like an impossible option, as does getting away from the house when you’re having to supervise children as they complete schoolwork from the kitchen table. That’s where short courses, and in particular online learning shines.
Studying shorter face to face or online courses is significantly cheaper than taking on a full degree level qualification. You may only need a short course to give you the skills and knowledge for your role, or you may want to try a topic before committing to a career change or larger qualification.
The benefits of taking on shorter courses are many. The skills and information gained builds up to a wealth of knowledge over time. The ability to apply what you have learned immediately will help you and your team in your current role, and feed into that next step on your career ladder or towards a future qualification. Learning something new can also boost your confidence and improve your mental health in in the process.
Gaining fresh knowledge also shows initiative and drive – if you’re looking for a new role, or to take the next step in your career, being proactive in your professional development looks great on your application.
Many short courses can provide you with knowledge and soft skills that can help you just as much in your everyday life as in the workplace. If you’re currently out of work or looking to find something productive to take your mind off the stress of 2020, a short course can do just that.
Beyond that, online learning is ideal for when you need to fit learning in between other responsibilities – 10 minutes here and there might be more achievable than taking a full few hours at once.
If you’re planning for a larger degree level qualification down the road, stacking shorter courses can give you credit towards it whilst still being recognised learning in their own right.
The only thing to do now is find the right course for you. AVELING has over 100 courses available face to face in the classroom or online, including nationally recognised diplomas and certificates.
Learn how to better handle stress and maintain balance, get started with project management, explore mental health awareness, first aid, leadership and management or many others. Browse our courses and get started today.
If you have questions or would like to discuss your requirements, please get in contact with our friendly team at or on 08 9379 9999.