As the New Year begins, annual planning for a ‘new you’ and all the improvements you’re going to make, rises to the top of everyone’s minds.
Career goals are one of the most common New Years’ Resolution topics, but we often start with big goals like ‘I want my dream job this year!’ and forget the little steps needed to get there and end up giving up all too soon.
A good first step is to identify where you want to be in the future. This often isn’t a one year goal, but what you do now can work towards it. You can work backwards from that goal and identify clear, realistic and achievable steps to get you there. Talking to a professional can help guide you in the right direction.
Ask yourself the important questions like: Do I have the skills needed? Do I need to gain more experience in a certain area? Could a course help boost my knowledge in an area I am lacking? These questions can help you devise a plan to reach your goal.
You could start with asking for more responsibility or gaining new experience at your current job. Often a short course can help give you some fast knowledge on a particular topic, or let you know if it is even a topic you are interested in before jumping in to a bigger qualification, or trying to move to another role or industry. It can also show would-be employers that you’re keen on continuous professional development.
Making progress in your New Year’s career resolution all comes down to the way you approach it. Research shows between 80-92% of new years’ resolutions fail, but if you develop a plan and break it down into achievable steps, 2021 could be the year you start your new career journey. After all…
“A goal without a plan is just a wish”, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
Whatever your goals, we wish you the best in achieving them this year. Make sure you check out AVELING’s courses to help you get started on your future career, today.