
25 years past, present and future

From humble beginnings as a small mine site safety training provider operating out of a single training room, Aveling has grown to become one of WA’s largest Registered Training Organisations, offering over 100 courses across a broad range of topics from our facilities in Jandakot, Karratha, online and offsite.

As Aveling turns 25, we are celebrating the milestones that brought us to where we are today, exploring the changes in the industry over the past quarter century, and looking to the future of training and development.

Aveling has seen over one million enrolments on our courses to date, and worked with local, national and multi-national organisations, as well as many state and local government entities.

CEO Tony Aveling says, “as a family-owned and run business, we place strong value on connection, relationships, and making a difference.

At the heart of our business is what we call ‘our DNA’; to Develop, Nurture and Appreciate everyone who comes through our doors. We have always believed that where there is education, there are better outcomes, and we do our best everyday to exemplify our values and our DNA.”


After a quarter century of training, development and consulting, Aveling has built a strong knowledge of local industries and their unique requirements and challenges.

“We are proud of the long-standing relationships and corporate partnerships we have built and continue to nurture, as a reflection of our expert knowledge and reputation for quality.

Helping build the individual careers and capabilities of our participants goes to the heart of what we do this for, and is more important than ever in today’s challenging world”, said Tony.

As WA and the rest of Australia experiences record low unemployment rates, alongside a skills shortage to fill the number of roles available, training and development is repeatedly highlighted as a key element in the country’s economic recovery and growth.

Aveling is ever evolving and improving our product offering to ensure we continue to meet the changing needs of our clients, and industry trends, incorporating the latest academic theory, legislative requirements and technologies into our courses.

“What we have learnt along the way, particularly in the past few years, is that innovation and agility is hugely important for any industry, but particularly in education and training.

As WA’s resources sector continued to operate throughout the pandemic, mine site inductions didn’t stop, but the way we offered them had to. With lockdowns and COVID hygiene measures limiting classroom learning, many people to pivot to remote learning, and we were lucky to be ahead in this space, having first launched our online portfolio back in 2007.”

Indeed, during Australia’s pandemic lockdowns, many took the opportunity to upskill online, and we were also able to utilise our existing online portfolio and offer free skills development courses to those who were out of work due to COVID19.

With demand increasing, and the future of training and development ever important, Aveling is looking forward to what the next 25 years will bring.

“We have grown from offering just mine site safety inductions, to a large portfolio of both Nationally Recognised and non-accredited programs in leadership and management, training and assessment, WHS, hospitality, office inductions and more, as well as custom work with our corporate partners.

We are certainly continuing the family business legacy and continuing to grow and evolve to meet demand and the changing needs of WA and beyond,” says Tony.

“We’d like to thank everyone that has supported us over the years – we look forward to continuing to work with you into the future!”

The Aveling Advantage 25 years of Aveling Try a course for FREE!

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Learn more about our history over the past quarter century.

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